SPE Deepwater Drilling workshop group photo

Nautec was recently represented by Mr. Kane Rawsthorn – Manager Geosciences, Mr. Prem Sridharan – Senior Drilling Engineer and Mr. George Lattimore – Myanmar Drilling Superintendent at the SPE ‘ Challenges of Frontier Deepwater Drilling Workshop’ between the 24th – 27th January, 2016 at the Sule Shangri- in Yangon, Myanmar. Mr. Prem Sridharan was chairperson for two sessions, Session 8: Deepwater New Technologies and Session 11: Lesson Learnt. The workshop focused on Frontier drilling, particularly in the deep water environment, which is an exciting and difficult undertaking given the current market.

Nautec has a strong track record in deep-water drilling, managing recent projects including MPRL’s block A6 exploration well offshore Myanmar and Daewoo International’s block 6-1S exploration well offshore South Korea.
The workshop was well attended, with over 60 professionals from major operators in Myanmar including Total, PETRONAS, Shell, Woodside to smaller operators including Ophir and Parami Energy and numerous service companies (Haliburton, Schlumberger, Baker Hughes). Representatives from Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise were also in attendance.

Topics discussed in the workshop focused on the challenges associated with drilling in unknowns of the subsurface environment to those operating in a new country, Metocean conditions and uncertainties, Logistics and infrastructure challenges, Permitting, regulation and operating environment, Contracting procurement and import/export procedures, Manpower requirements, Security and emergency response, Community relations and corporate affairs, Subsurface and Deepwater new technologies.

Nautec provided sponsorship to the event and setup an information area in the coffee break out area, where discussion continued on after each session.

Nautec will also be attending the upcoming SPE Workshop ‘Operating Mature and Very Mature Fields – Operating, Upgrading and Extending The Production Life Of Offshore Assets’ from the 21st – 24th February, 2016 in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Mr. Andrew Fooks – SE Asia Regional Director and Mr. Kane Rawsthorn – Manager Geosciences will be attending.

To read more about Nautec’s drilling services, please click here.