Ensuring Well Integrity in Changing Environments

As part of the Global Integrated Workshop Series (GWIS) the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) held a well integrity workshop in Brisbane, Australia from 1st to 4th March 2015. The theme of the workshop was “Ensuring Well Integrity in Changing Environments”, which was very appropriate given the economic challenges faced by the oil industry in recent times.

The workshop was held in the Marriot hotel was well attended by 65 delegates representing 40 organisations and 12 countries. The workshop covered topics encompassing the full well life cycle such as well design, well remediation, well integrity management systems and well abandonment and a number of interesting case histories were presented and discussed.

Three Nautec personnel attended the workshop. From the Subsurface and Wells division Kevin Lay, Technical Director – Petroleum Engineering, based in Perth was the Workshop Advisor for SPE and Josh Whitcombe – Technical Director Engineering was a member of the Programme Committee for this event. In addition, Edgar Lim, Vice President, Subsea and Surface Facilities from Singapore participated as a Discussion Leader and gave a presentation entitled “Grouted Repair and Strengthening of Well Surface Casing damaged by Corrosion” which was well received by the delegates.

The Well Integrity GWIS is a series of workshops coordinated by SPE and has included event in diverse locations such as Brazil, Mexico, Dubai, Ghana, Bergen, Edinburgh and Kota Kinabalu. Kevin Lay also sits on the steering committee for this series of workshops.