Underwater Jacket Repair at B55 Platform


Nautec has completed the Underwater Jacket Repair at B55 Platform under B127 Cluster Pipeline RTR Project. Sapura Energy requested Nautec to strengthen two members at Platform B55 by infill grouting. The jacket grouting work was done utilizing the Main Work Barge S900. The overall B127 Project Scope included laying of pipelines, topside modifications, laying of [...]

Underwater Jacket Repair at B55 Platform2018-03-03T15:38:44+08:00

Skirt Pile Grouting for Zawtika Development Project


Nautec has been contracted by Sapura Offshore Sdn Bhd to carry out skirt pile grouting for Zawtika Development Project Phase 1C. Nautec will provide all the materials, grout spread and all other materials and equipment, as well as the offshore technicians required to carry out the skirt pile grouting services, during the installation of four [...]

Skirt Pile Grouting for Zawtika Development Project2018-03-03T15:36:19+08:00

Nautec to Strengthen Pile Structures of Oil-loading Jetty in Indonesia


Nautec has been contracted to carry out grouting services to strengthen the pile structures of an oil-loading jetty & mooring dolphin in Indonesia. The jetty is used for shipping out condensate and Nautec will be carrying out the strengthening services without any disruption to the activities taking place at the facilities and with no asset [...]

Nautec to Strengthen Pile Structures of Oil-loading Jetty in Indonesia2018-03-03T15:34:42+08:00

Subsea Strengthening Services for Sarawak Shell Berhad


Nautec has recently completed the provision of subsea strengthening method to repair corroded surface casings of wellheads at a platform offshore Sarawak, East Malaysia. Upon visual inspection of the platform 2 wells were found to be corroded and immediate measures were taken to arrest further corrosion and repair and strengthen the damaged structural casings. Nautec [...]

Subsea Strengthening Services for Sarawak Shell Berhad2018-03-03T15:30:28+08:00

Nautec provides Well Intervention Engineering Support to Major Australian Operator


In January 2016, SapuraKencana Well Services requested well intervention engineering support from Nautec to enable them to carry out a riserless light well intervention (RLWI) for a major operator. The well operator’s tubing retrievable safety valve (TRSV) was inoperative in the closed position, presumed to be stuck rather than defective, thus preventing well flow. The [...]

Nautec provides Well Intervention Engineering Support to Major Australian Operator2018-03-03T15:28:17+08:00

Nautec Completes Engineering and Offshore Grouting Services for MHSRDIII


Nautec has completed its underwater strengthening and repair work for Mumbai High South Re-Development III ( MHSRDIII ) project. The scope of services provided by Nautec included: pre-engineering survey and inspection supervision, design and engineering services, grouting and repair of NU, WI-9 and SJ platform pre-engineering survey and inspection assistance, detail engineering and grouting of [...]

Nautec Completes Engineering and Offshore Grouting Services for MHSRDIII2018-03-03T15:24:07+08:00

Nautec provides assessment of Molikpaq Offshore Platform


Nautec has been engaged to provide an assessment of Molikpaq Offshore Platform Caisson Hull for structural strengthening with steel-concrete composite against ice impact and abrasion. Nautec’s engineering team will assess the integrity of the caisson hull, ice load sensitivity study and determine the applicable method of strengthening and materials required in order to carry out [...]

Nautec provides assessment of Molikpaq Offshore Platform2018-03-03T15:17:52+08:00

Strengthening and Corrosion Protection of Structural Casing of Wells for Sarawak Shell


Nautec has been contracted to carry out strengthening and corrosion protection of structural casing of wells for Sarawak Shell Berhad, off the coast of East Malaysian state Sarawak. Nautec’s team of grout engineers carried out a visual inspection of the well conductors and structural casing and provided a comprehensive report outlining recommendations and remedial actions. [...]

Strengthening and Corrosion Protection of Structural Casing of Wells for Sarawak Shell2018-03-03T14:31:06+08:00

Nautec Finishes First Conductor Repair Project in Indian Waters


Nautec has finished its first conductor repair project in Indian waters for Shell India (previously British Gas Exploration & Production India Ltd), in the Panna field. The PA platform observed a parted 22 inch casing in the PA3 conductor. Nautec was awarded the tender for carrying out structural integrity analysis; develop a repair methodology and [...]

Nautec Finishes First Conductor Repair Project in Indian Waters2018-03-03T14:28:42+08:00

Nautec Reaches Major Milestone with its Onshore Grouting Operation in China


Nautec has, in cooperation with a local licensed grouting contractor, completed the grouting of the initial 3 of 24 onshore wind turbine foundations using NaX™ Q140-E Ultra High Performance Cementitious (UHPC) grout for Longyuan Electric Power Group, at Tianjin Hangu, China. The 48MW wind farm project uses Vestas V110-2.0 MW turbines. This is a significant milestone [...]

Nautec Reaches Major Milestone with its Onshore Grouting Operation in China2018-03-03T14:27:10+08:00