NaX™ WP 19
- Non-gaseous expansion system
- Excellent flowability
- Non-thixotropic rheology
- High mechanical and adhesive strength
- High resistance to water & ion penetration
NaX™ WP 19 is a special designed high strength cementing material with expanding properties and a density of 1950 kg/m3 (16.3 lb/gal), ideal for secure plugging of abandoned wells. The product is designed with use of Nautec’s nanotechnology system.
NaX™ WP 19 is supplied as a ready to use cement-based dry powder system. On mixing with controlled amount of pure portable water, it produces a highly flowable, cohesive and impermeable high performance cementitious expanding material, which develops compressive strength in short period of time and therefore reduces the gel transition period to avoid the formation of micro channels.
NaX™ WP 19 features uniquely formulated non-gaseous expansion and has a unique rheology behavior that differs from standard oil well cement with a non-thixotropic behavior that leads to an effective penetration of small cavities and cracks in the formation. At the same time, NaX™ WP 19 has a self-sealing behaviour, which prevent uncontrolled loss of material into the formation. The superb backfill behaviour together with expansion ensures a crack and shrinkage-free grout volume. This ensures full surface-to- surface contact and helps to create strong bond with contact surface.
NaX™ WP 19 is chloride-free, expansive with high resistance to water permeability and aggressive ion penetration.
NaX™ WP 19 has been tested and documented at Nautec’s Oil Well Cementing Laboratory in Singapore.
To read more about this product you can download the technical datasheet here.