Fourteen gas fields were identified and clustered into groups largely based upon regional proximity and CO2 concentration. One of the most critical elements of the study was CO2 management. The CO2 levels range between 6% and 40%. Nautec developed a fully integrated gas planning model linking reservoirs, wells and surface facilities was set up for this purpose, allowing the investigation of the impact of CO2 production profiles, reservoir pressure behaviour, volumes of CO2, well deliverability, blending of CO2, timing of wells and field scheduling. The gas planning tool also enables optimisation of the entire production system along with effective management of CO2 production. The results of this tool could then be used to formulate a robust area development plan in order to commercialise the development.

The Client

The end client was Malaysian state oil company PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB).

The Scope

The primary objective of the study was to develop a complete network model of all the fields, wells, pipelines, compressor inlet/outlet and ex-platform/landing pressures, varying gas production rates and CO2 composition for the PM-313 Gas Cluster in order to:

  • Determine the net sales gas volumes that could be supplied to address the PGU demand
  • Model the gas & condensate profiles at selected production systems
  • Address the impact of the CO2 in the gas profile and the options for blending between high & low CO2 fields to meet the GPP 8% specification.

The scope of work was:

  • Integrated Technical Workshop
  • Reservoir Review & Material Balance Modelling
  • Well Deliverability & Production Profile Review
  • Uncertainties, Opportunities and Risks Framing
  • Network Planning and Optimization Modelling

The Value Added

A fully integrated network model was developed that could be used as a gas planning tool for the PM-313 gas cluster.

The model results helped the client with the planning of gas supply, scheduling field developments, blending high CO2, gas compositions, security of supply concerns, well, field and pipeline sizing/requirements.

Nautec reduced the CAPEX base case by USD300 Million, by reducing the total facilities requirements and total number of wells to deliver the same production targets.

The project was scheduled over an 8 month period and was completed on schedule, on budget and with all PCSB reviews completed.