- Offshore Oil & Gas
- Greenfield Services
- Offshore Grouting Installation Services
- Supply of NaX® Materials
- Engineering consultancy for grout line placement
- UHP Pile Jetting Services
- Grouting of main piles to jacket sleeve connections together with pile jetting services
Scope of Work
- Engineering consultancy on location of inlets and grout line design.
- Supply of specialist pile jetting equipment.
- Grouting services for three 4-legged jackets in the Bokor field.
- Supply of grouting materials and manpower for grouting and pile jetting services for a total of three 4-legged jackets in 69m of water.
- Operationally challenging as coordinating closely with numerous other contractors.
- Tight execution window and team worked very effectively to deliver on schedule.
- Coordinate and work closely with the client focal to ensure smooth execution.
- Experienced team and reliable equipment ensured high quality execution.
“Nautec worked very efficiently to deliver the programme in a timely matter.”
Mr. Tajul, Senior Manager, Operations Dept, BDEWC.
Click here to download the project case history.