Nautec was commissioned to rejuvenate the Siwa field through maximisation of recoverable reserves, identifying infill locations and creating the associated drilling programs, and productivity enhancement opportunities where new technology applications may provide benefit.

The Client

The end client was Malaysian state oil company PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB).

The Scope

The scope of work was split into a Full Field Review (FFR) and a Field Development Plan (FDP) to formulate an optimal development plan for the field, maximising the ultimate recovery from the field, while minimising the capital investment required.

FFR Scope FDP Scope
Geophysics Development Plan
Geology Production Technology
Petrophysics Production Forecast
3D Geostatic Modelling Drilling
Classical Reservoir Engineering Facilities Engineering
Reservoir Simulation Operations and Maintenance Philosophy
Hydrocarbon-In-Place and Reserves Projects Economics
Reservoir Management Plan (RMP) Project Schedule

The Value Added

The project was scheduled over an 18 month period. Project was completed on schedule, on budget and with all PCSB reviews completed.

The proposed Siwa Field Re-Development improved Siwa simulated field recovery factors by 15% to 19%. This was achieved through:

  • Drilling 2 new infill wells as the best way forward to enhance the Siwa oil recovery
  • Completing the wells horizontally to boost performance and to minimise the occurrence of premature water coning to exploit Siwa’s thin pay zones
  • Optimising Subsurface Hydraulic Jet Pump (SHJP)
  • Optimising drilling program
  • Outlining an optimal Reservoir Management Plan (RMP)