Nautec was engaged by Permaducto S.A. de C.V. to participate in the structural installation of a new 4-legged jacket structure. The team grouted one skirt pile of each leg using NaX® Q80-H High-Performance grout fixing the structure to the sea floor at 44 meters of water depth. This was achieved by performing infill grouting between the skirt and the pile.  

Type of project:
Gulf of México
44 Mt of NaX® Q80-H
Permaducto S.A. de C.V. for Pemex
Grouting days:
2 days
Project date:
March 2022


  • Offshore Contracting Work
  • Pile-Sleeve Grouting
  • Infill Grouting
  • 4-legged Jacket Installation with skirt piles
  • Grout Material Supply

Job Scope

  • Preparation of the grouting procedure and project documentation for grouting.
  • Supply and delivery of NaX® Q80-H grout material and NaX® Binder lubrication mix.
  • Provision of specially designed formwork, mixing, pumping equipment, tool container etc.
  • Provision of grout hoses with 30% contingency, and other relevant installation equipment necessary for the grouting work, using quick connect inlets and outlets.
  • Provision of offshore crew including grouting supervisor/engineer.
  • Provision of all rigging equipment.


  • Nautec supplied NaX® Q80-H grout material and the grouting procedure for the installation of the subsea jacket; a 4-legged structure for the ELM-16 platform.
  • The team also provided compressive testing results as per client requirement.

Project Performance

  • The competent grouting crew and high-quality equipment warranted the project’s success.
  • All deliverables were achieved and the client was satisfied.

Click here to read the project case history.