Nautec has completed the grouting of 24 jacket legs at LAM 13 & LAM 75 Platforms in the Caspian Sea for Dragon Oil, Turkmenistan. The existing platforms are being upgraded to ensure the safety and integrity of the platforms for work-over and continued production operations. 


  • Dragon Oil Turkmenistan Ltd.


  • Grouting crew to handle the mixing and pumping of grout and the handling of test cube specimens.
  • Supply of NaX® Q80 Ultra High Performance Cementitious (UHPC) grout.
  • Carry out annulus grouting of 24 jacket legs.


  • Weather conditions played a major role for the grouting operations and were at times unfavourable for carrying out the grouting works.
  • Nautec’s experienced crew were monitoring the conditions closely and knew how to handle the NaX® materials under the given conditions.
  • Grouting trials were carried out onshore to verify the water-cement ratio for the grout mixture.


  • Grouting of the annulus between the jacket legs and piles.
  • Sourcing and logistics of all materials and crew associated with the grouting operation.

Client Benefits

  • The team used its proprietary grout NaX® Q80 for the grouting work. This ultra high performance, cohesive and flowable, non-shrink grout develops high early-age strength and is impermeable to water ingress.
  • Grouting with NaX® UHPC increases the structural capacity and ensures design life extension of steel surfaces and subsea structures.

Click here to download the project case history.