It was observed that the PA platform had a parted conductor casing, exposing the internal casings. Nautec was awarded the job to carry out structural integrity analysis; develop a repair methodology to reinstate the damaged section and structural integrity of the conductor.
The Scope
- Pre-Engineering Survey of the damaged conductor casing
- Carry out Engineering Design & Analysis
- Carry out design of External Grouted Clamp
- Fabrication & Installation of External Grouted clamp
- Alignment of the damaged casing & Installation of clamp offshore
- Grouting of the annulus between the clamp & conductor casing
- Post installation survey & final documentation
The Services
- Project Management services including reporting, QA/QC
- Provision of qualified & experienced onshore and offshore personnel
- Provision of equipment i.e. mixers, pumps, downhole camera, HP water jetting etc. for executing the work scope
- Supply of fabricated clamps, bolts & nuts
- Supply of Ultra-high performance cementitious (UHPC) mix NaX® Q140 along with binder lubricant mix
The Challenges
- High tide posed a major challenge during the installation of the clamp due to lower elevation being at -3m i.e. splash zone area. This meant that the cleaning and installation of the clamp was hampered during high tide but by monitoring tide charts and patterns on a regular basis the team managed to carry out the cleaning and installation related activities during low tide.
Client Benefit
- The whole process was carried out without the use of divers; an approach which resulted in vast time and cost savings for the Client
- Stage wise inspection of the fabricated clamp in consort with client and third party inspector, ensured the quality of the fabricated clamp
- Stage wise inspection and preparation of IMIR (Incoming Material Inspection Release Note) ensured the use of correct specification and quality of materials throughout the project
- Close interaction with the client representative ensured safe and timely completion of the project
Click here to read the project case history.