Talisman requested that Nautec provide a team to undertake attendance and evaluation of the PETRONAS data room for PM412, offshore Peninsula Malaysia. Three fields have been produced within the boundaries of the block. They are Sotong, Malong and Anding. In addition, three other hydrocarbon discoveries have been made, at Aji, Parang and Sentang while good shows were recognised at Feri and Gelama.
The Scope
The objectives of the evaluation were to:
- Gather all the available relevant technical data from the data room
- Evaluate the remaining potential in the three produced fields in the block – Sotong, Malong and Anding
- Assess the potential resources in one discovered field (Aji-Aji), that has not been produced – gas and oil
- Determine the potential in five single-well oil and gas pools
- Determine the potential in small discoveries and of several leads identified by PETRONAS Carigali
- Evaluate the prospectivity of leads in the block in known plays
- Develop new plays in the block, and evaluate the prospectivity of leads which may exist in those new plays
The Nautec team consisted of a Principal Geologist, Principal Reservoir Engineer, Principal Geophysicist and Senior Geophysicist. The assigned Nautec project team had between them over 100 years’ experience and delivered Talisman a Data Room Evaluation of PM 412, of which was described as the “highest quality of outsourced Geoscience work the Talisman Malaysia team have conducted”.
The Value Added
Nautec reviewed the STOOIP, produced oil and gas and remaining reserves and were estimated from the production figures. These were available for Sotong and Malong as daily figures of gas, oil and water from each well, while at Anding, daily figures were available only for one well and the field in total.
There were 22 leads which have been mapped by Nautec at the H, I, J and K Sandstones levels and five which have been mapped at Basement. Nautec estimated Prospective Resources (PR) for ten of these leads. The estimations were unrisked.
The three new plays do not have any particular leads associated with them apart from one lead. However, careful mapping and geological work is expected to identify a number of leads for each of these new plays across the block.
PM412 appears to be prospective both from an existing oil and gas resource aspect and from potential exploration upside points of view. The area has had a very significant volume of hydrocarbons pass through it over time, and it is most unlikely that all the oil and gas trapped in the block would have been found to date.