Field Development, Mutineer Exeter Field, WA


Assessment and selection of appropriate artificial lift design was a significant element of this project. Conceptual design work by Nautec lead to the unique selection of dual ESP technology. The optimal artificial lift schemes were subsequently identified by Nautec through coordination of specialist design input from global ESP experts. The Client Santos Limited The Scope [...]

Field Development, Mutineer Exeter Field, WA2015-10-23T11:44:51+08:00

Subsea Satellite Development, Echo-Yodel


Echo-Yodel is a two well subsea satellite development operated by Woodside Energy Limited. The development resides approximately 23 km from the Goodwyn A platform offshore Australia’s North West Shelf. Each of the wells is producing gas / condensate into 12” pipeline back to Goodwyn A. Nautec provided the construction and completion design and selection and [...]

Subsea Satellite Development, Echo-Yodel2015-10-23T11:42:35+08:00

Field Development, Cliff Head Oil Field, WA


Cliff Head Oil Field represents the first commercial oil discovery in the offshore Perth Basin. The Field is operated by Roc Oil (WA) Pty Ltd. (37.5% holding) on behalf of joint venture partners; AWE Oil (Western Australia) Pty Ltd (27.5%), ARC (Offshore PB) Limited (30.0%), CIECO Exploration & Production (Australia) Pty Ltd (5.0%). The Client [...]

Field Development, Cliff Head Oil Field, WA2015-10-23T11:39:47+08:00

Geoscience & Drilling, Drillsearch Energy – Cooper Basin, Onshore Queensland


The Cooper Basin is Australia’s largest onshore petroleum province. Soon after its initial discovery in the 1960’s, continuous oil and gas production has occurred. With the assistance of Nautec Energy Solutions (Nautec), Drillsearch has become one of the largest acreage holders across the basin. Initial focus by Drillsearch was on the conventional petroleum prospects in [...]

Geoscience & Drilling, Drillsearch Energy – Cooper Basin, Onshore Queensland2015-10-23T11:18:17+08:00

Well & Field Refurbishment, Jabiru Oil Field, Timor Sea


Jabiru is Australia’s first FPSO development utilising the Jabiru Venture, which has an installed capacity of 55,000 barrels of oil per day. Field production levels were in jeopardy due to leakage of produced fluids from the Jabiru 11 subsea well into the environment. Coogee Resources engaged Nautec to immediately assist the arrest of the leakage [...]

Well & Field Refurbishment, Jabiru Oil Field, Timor Sea2015-10-14T08:35:47+08:00

Fit-for-Purpose Well Integrity, Arrow Energy


Nautec Energy Solutions (Nautec) was contracted by Arrow Energy (Arrow) to assist in developing well handover and integrity check sheets for a series of recently drilled water monitoring wells. Until 2010, Arrow was a low cost CBM exploration and production company focused on the Surat and Bowen Basins. Arrow was acquired 50:50 by Shell and [...]

Fit-for-Purpose Well Integrity, Arrow Energy2015-10-14T08:18:19+08:00

Conoco Phillips: Unconventional Gas Review of Cooper Basin, Australia


Nautec Energy Solutions (Nautec) was contracted to provide assessment of the unconventional prospectivity within Queensland, this review included the following plays: Permian Tight Gas Play (Toolachee and Patchawarra), Shale Gas review (Toolebuc Fm) and Deep CSG (Permian Coals). Nautec was also requested to supply database of public information for Cooper Basin and overlying Eromanga Basin [...]

Conoco Phillips: Unconventional Gas Review of Cooper Basin, Australia2015-10-14T08:14:58+08:00

CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) Project ZeroGen


The first stage of the ZeroGen CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) project was the sequestration in deep saline aquifers in the Northern Denison Trough near Emerald, approx. 220 km from plant. Nautec was involved in this stage and carried out an assessment on the geological formations for CO2 storage. The Drilling Program One (DP1) successfully [...]

CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) Project ZeroGen2015-10-14T08:07:55+08:00

Detailed Finite Element Analysis for Offshore Tower Strengthening


Detailed engineering design was carried out in 2011-2012 for structural strengthening of an offshore tower to accommodate additional loading caused by higher metocean criteria. The Client Woodside Energy Ltd. The Scope Analysis and Design of Strengthening for Offshore Flare Tower, Goodwyn A-Platform. The engineering works involved the assessment of load capacity increase by grouting of [...]

Detailed Finite Element Analysis for Offshore Tower Strengthening2022-11-10T22:03:39+08:00